Course curriculum

    1. Creating an ibmq account

    2. Setting up the Environment

    1. Qubits

    2. SuperPosition

    3. Entanglement

    4. Summary

    1. Start Coding

    2. Creating a Quantum Circuit

    3. Applying Gates to the qubit

    4. Visualization

    5. Creating an Entanglement

    6. Making use of the Classical Bits

    7. Running the Code in a smulator

    1. Select a Quantum Provider

    2. Running in a real Quantum Computer

    3. Seeing and Visualizing the results

    1. Creating a new circuit

    2. Measuring our circuit

    3. Visualizing the quibit and vector

    4. Qubit in superposition

    5. visualizing when measured

    6. what happens if not measured

    1. 23. Quantum Algorithms

    2. 24. Quantum Teleportation

About this course

  • ₹699.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content