Course curriculum

    1. Intro To If Conditions

    2. Elif Statement

    3. The And Statement

    4. If Operations

    5. For Loop

    6. While Loop

    7. Intro To Functions

    1. function in detail

    2. String Operations

    3. Python Lists

    4. Tuples

    5. Dictionary

    6. Exception Handling

    1. Github Intro

    2. Libraries

    3. Start Coding our project

    4. Urllib and Beautiful Soup

    5. Tokenizing

    6. Stopwords

    7. Analyzing our Output

    8. Testing on Different Inputs

    1. Tokeninzing

    2. Tokenize with Tensorflow

    3. Stemming

    4. Porterstemmer

    5. Lemmatization

    6. Vectorization

    7. CountVectorizer

    8. Word Embedding

    9. conclusion

    1. Native Entity Recognition

    2. Sentiment Analysis

    3. Analyzing Sentiments

    4. Text to Speech

    5. Chatbot

    6. Intro to Neural Networks

About this course

  • ₹699.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content